Eldercare and Disability Forum
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Reply to Senate Testimony from Harkin
Here is my reply from Senator Tom Harkin! I am so very delighted that he took the time to review my testimony on the two legislative issues I covered in this blog this spring. I believe that his response is indicative of his support and brings hope that he will convince other legistlators to make needed changes.


Given a real choice, many Americans who need long-term services and
support would prefer to receive them in home and community settings rather
than in institutions. And yet, too often, decisions relating to the
provision of long-term care are influenced by what is reimbursable under
Federal and state Medicaid policy, rather than what individuals need or
want. Unfortunately, under Medicaid, there is a strong bias in
reimbursement toward institutional care over services provided in home and
community settings.

I have long believed we should eliminate that bias and put more emphasis
on consumer choice. Long-term services and supports provided under the
Medicaid program must meet the changing needs and preferences of
individuals. Individuals must be empowered to exercise real choice to
meet their unique needs. Federal and state Medicaid policies should
facilitate, not impede, an individual's choice in selecting needed
long-term services and supports.

That is why I introduced legislation, the Money Follows the Person Act
and the Medicaid Community Attendant Services and Supports Act (MiCASSA,)
which would allow individuals with disabilities and older Americans the
freedom to choose how and where they want to live. The Money Follows the
Person Act, which I introduced along with Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR,)
would allow states to receive additional federal resources to provide
community based services to those who choose to move out of a nursing home
or institution. At the same time, I joined with Senator Arlen Specter
(R-PA) to introduce MiCASSA legislation which would require that states
offer community attendant services and supports to eligible individuals in
need of long-term services and supports. These similar pieces of
legislation would still provide individuals with the option of access to
institutional or nursing home care.

As you know, I have always been a strong advocate for persons with
disabilities and older Americans. As an author of the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA), its passage into law was one of the proudest
moments of my Senate career. The "Money Follows the Person" initiative
would further the goals of the ADA to give people with disabilities the
equality they deserve and the freedom to choose how and where they want to
live. Be assured that I will continue to make the rights of people with
disabilities and seniors a top priority, and that I will push for prompt
Congressional action on MiCASSA and Money Follows the Person.

Again, thanks for sharing your views with me. Please don't hesitate to
let me know how you feel on any issue that concerns you.

Tom Harkin
United States Senator

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