Eldercare and Disability Forum
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Katrina Relief Auction on flickr.com

Yellow Ruffles - Katrina Relief Auction Offering

Please consider looking at this image in my photo stream, which has links directly into the Katrina Relief Auction group pool. There are over 300 artworks donated so far and accepting bids. All money raised will be directly contributed to the American Red Cross. We are accepting bids to September 15, 2005. This effort is solely on the part of the members of flickr and not sponsored by flickr.

If you are a blogger or know a blogger, please let them know what we are doing online to contribute what we can. You are welcome to look at one of my blogs for a suggestion of what to post online. You're also welcome to post the image I put up in a blog for the purpose of calling attention to this relief effort.

If you support what we are doing, please pass along the word to bloggers, one of our best shots at calling attention to our quest.

Thank you,

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